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Saturday, January 14, 2012


I have learned recently, first hand, about the danger of expectations. I learned this lesson through the infamous "set-up." You know how it goes, one friend is certain they have found your soul mate. So right away you have this expectation of what they should be like and you compare them to those unreachable standards. I have been held to these standards and, admittedly, I have held people to those standards. However, I have grown to realize how horrible this is. I want to get to know someone because I am such a relational person. I want to be able to show them I care about them, not for what they can possibly give me, but because my God has called me to love like Him. I find it degrading to only get to know someone because you think they can meet those standards, because you would never get to know them for who they truly are. Instead, you just see failed options. You miss out on a wonderful friendship and a wonderful person.

1 comment:

Michele said...

so true! Love this & you! :)

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