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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Beard Love

The other day I realized I adore beards so much because, to me, they represent masculinity. Now I know that isn't always the case. There are manly men without beards and more delicate men with beards. However, through this discovery, I realized that more of my attraction is towards the idea of a protector than the actual beard. I want a man who I feel can protect me and support me. I want someone who can do simple things like change a tire and start a fire. I want a man who knows how to survive in nature. You know, the typical idea of what a man should be. I don't want to have to kill the bugs or be the brave one; even though I am capable of those things. So, as much as I love the beard, it's the man that it represents that I truly love.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I love that you already have a label for "Beards" on your blog; I think you are going to use that alot ;)

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